Oklahoma, U.S.
I am 51 yrs old and I am considering this a progress report and not an end of a program. Some of the things that you don't see is the main reasons I started your program. I have always been fairly active and thought of myself as being healthy. I didn't take on your program with the goal of losing weight even though I have dropped about 19 lbs since getting your program. I had to have a physical for health insurance last year that included a blood test. I needed to pass 4 out of 6 benchmarks in order to qualify for a reduced rate on my premium. To my surprise I did not pass. I needed to get 2 more of the six to pass and get about $1000.00 off my premiums for the year. That's when I started to follow MAX Workouts and the Lean Body Diet. I cut way back on the sugar as well as the carbs. And in the end I was able to cut my triglycerides in half and lowered my blood sugar level into a good range. You have already helped me add a $1000.00 to my bottom line in insurance savings. I can't put a value on the improved blood-work. All without any meds!
Legal Disclaimer: Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.