Before taking on the MaxWorkout 90 day program I was reaching towards 100kg which I never was at before. With the arrival of my firstborn, it seemed that I was the one gaining the weight and not my wife, the good life I guess. My cholesterol level was at 220 which was at a high level, once again, I love eating but there are consequences if you dont execrcise or eat correctly. I was always in good shape but let my self go over the last couple of years and the kilos kept on slowly adding on.
I decided to do the 90 day workout because I didnt have access to a gym and could only use my home garage. The workouts also seemed interesting and most importantly, quick. There is only a few hours left in the day with a little one to look after, so I thought that this was the right workout for me.
I could note that after the 1st week of training that my body muscles would twitch, which meant that something good was happening. As the weeks rolled on, I would get that bit stronger and within the first 3 weeks I lost 2 kilos! Sure there were times that I was tired, but I would do something light rather than miss a session. By the end of the workout I lost 5 kilos and my core body strength was phenomenal. I would get comments from my neighbours and colleagues of how good I looked!
START (15/09/13) END (14/12/13)
Chest: 113CM 115CM
Waist: 111CM 101CM
Thigh: 64CM 62CM
Arm: 40CM 39CM
Weight: 100.00KG 95.00KG
Legal Disclaimer: Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.