The MAX Workouts program has been a game changer for me in terms of my overall health and fitness. I've always been into weight training with a bit of cardio here and there, and after reaching a plateau I realized I needed a change - something that would keep me engaged and also tackle the aspect of my diet which I did not know much about.
After starting the MAX Workouts program, I realized the following benefits:
Much better understanding of nutrition which leads to healthier eating - avoiding bad carbs, etc… Ultimately leading to better muscle definition.
More intense, and shorter workouts - my overall workout time per week is cut by 1/2 so I have more time to enjoy life.
6 pack I always knew was there is finally coming through.
Through Variety, my interest is always maintained, and I actually look forward to workouts.
MAX Workouts keeps my muscles guessing so I haven't plateau.
Culinary skills have improved through new recipes from the Lean Body program.
Better fitness level all around - faster speed, and more power.