Day 4

Why Long, Steady-State Cardio Keeps You Flabby, Weak & Injury Prone

“I was jogging for 30 minutes 3 times a week, then I bumped it up to 45 minutes to lean out even more (but I still didn’t lose any extra weight), so I bumped it up to an hour and my body still looks exactly the SAME…and now my knees are killing me!”

Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

A wooden figure of a person running on a hamster wheel

Sound familiar?

All that time spent pounding the pavement and what do you have to show for it?  Maybe a pair of worn out sneakers and a little weight loss, but certainly nothing to get overly excited about.

I know, it doesn’t seem fair.  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but slaving away on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical day after day is a surefire way to make your body retain fat. (Yes, you read that correctly!)

Here’s why…

Long, moderate-paced cardio activates destructive hormones that eat away at your muscle tone, which increases your body’s affinity to hold onto your existing fat!  You see, when you do long cardio, your body uses glucose (sugar) as it’s first source of energy and once that’s used up, it turns to your muscle and starts breaking it down for energy use.  Fat is the last energy source to be utilized.  This is really bad…

You see, muscle is metabolically active, which means it burns calories just sitting there.  So when you lose muscle, you burn less calories.  And here’s the real kicker: doing long cardio forces your body to protect your “fat” from getting burned for energy (as a survival mechanism).  So essentially, you’re programming your body to go into survival mode, causing it to protect the last source of energy, which is your FAT!

Worse yet, steady-state cardio also increases your cortisol production which enhances your insulin activity.  Insulin is your fat storing hormone and it loves to target your stomach, hips, butt and thighs.  Makes you think twice about cardio, doesn’t it?!

Not only is “traditional” cardio an ineffective way to lose fat, but it can eventually lead to overuse injuries. When you repeat the same movements over and over for long periods of time, you put too much stress on certain areas of your body, which can eventually become repetitive stress injuries.

So if you’re already putting in the effort, now all you have to do is redirect that energy into doing the right things so you can start burning fat faster…

The good news is there’s a right way to do cardio that will “trick” your body into naturally producing a flood of fat-burning hormones—and it’ll take you half the time of a “regular” cardio workout…

I’m talking about high-intensity interval cardio.

Interval cardio triggers your anaerobic metabolism, which will skyrocket your heart rate and melt the fat—without eating away your muscle tone.  Remember, you need to keep your lean muscle so you can keep burning more fat and calories throughout the day.

With interval cardio, you perform short bursts of high-intensity cardio (like sprinting, biking at a fast pace, rowing, etc…) followed by a short rest period.  Then, you repeat the set for a number of rounds and you can even vary the interval times and intensity levels.

With high-intensity interval cardio training, you can cumulatively work at higher intensities for longer, which produces a triple whammy when it comes to fat-burning:

  1. It triggers the “Afterburn”, which is a physiological effect that creates a metabolic deficit in your body, causing you to burn calories even AFTER your workout is over…for up to 48 hours (this is scientifically proven, not just a bunch of hooey!)

  2. It maximizes all of your fat burning hormones, so you lose more fat while maintaining your lean muscle (essentially doubling your calorie burn!)

  3. It greatly improves your speed, power and endurance all at the same time, making you fitter, faster and stronger—all while sculpting a lean, athletic physique.  Even if you’re an endurance junkie, you’re going to reap the benefits when it comes to your specific event.

Better yet, these short, high-energy workouts dramatically reduce the stress on your joints.  Since each bout of high-intensity exercise is alternated with a short rest period for recovery, you won’t be banging away at your poor inflamed joints for hours on end.

Tomorrow’s Lean Body tip is, “Beating The Pleateau: How To Keep Your Body Guessing For Faster Results”

Talk to you tomorrow,

-- Shin

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

Ready to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible?

Discover how to super charge your workouts and accelerate your results -- getting you lean and ripped in a fraction of the time with shorter, more effective workouts.

Ready to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible?

Discover how to super charge your workouts and accelerate your results -- getting you lean and ripped in a fraction of the time with shorter, more effective workouts.

Ready to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible?

Discover how to super charge your workouts and accelerate your results -- getting you lean and ripped in a fraction of the time with shorter, more effective workouts.

What people are saying

What people are saying

What people are saying

Erik's Max Workouts testimonial
Erik Shyrock

Florida, USA

Erik Shyrock

Florida, USA

Erik Shyrock

Florida, USA

In just 6 weeks, I have noticed incredible differences in my attitude, energy, physique, and strength. Without changing any other variable (ex. my diet) except for working out intensely using your program, I have already lost a total of 10 pounds -- and I am working out 40 minutes less than I was just 6 weeks ago!

Kelly's Max Workouts testimonial
Kelly Camilleri

Sydney, Australia

Kelly Camilleri

Sydney, Australia

Kelly Camilleri

Sydney, Australia

In the last 4 weeks I have lost a total of 14cm across my whole body! I have been seeing a PT to get measured every few weeks. Since I started, I have gone from 63 and 64 cm on each thigh to 59.5cm on each. (My biggest area that I wanted results.) Plus my hips in the last four weeks I have lost 2cm. I am seeing the results!

Jon's Max Workouts testimonial
Jon Jore

Toronto, Canada

Jon Jore

Toronto, Canada

Jon Jore

Toronto, Canada

Shin, I want to tell you that this is the first workout program that has really fit me! I have been lifting for the last 14 years and have never found something that has made me so fit in a whole body sense. I am now able to do any sport with ease because your workouts have trained all of my muscles to work together.