Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Although these additives are usually used in small amounts, it’s effects on your health can be much bigger. Consuming these additives have been linked to several serious health problems and more are being discovered all the time.
The problem is there are thousands of different additives and each has the ability to cause negative reactions in your body. And since each prepackaged item can contain dozens or more different additives, it’s difficult identify the exact culprit. BUT you can be pretty certain that least one of these additives is going to have a negative effect on your health.
I’ve created a short list of the 10 worst food additives that are commonly used, so you can avoid them whenever possible:
Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil: This type of fat is the primary source of trans fat in the Standard American Diet, and it should be avoided at all costs, because researchers at Harvard University (amongst others) have linked it with heart disease and heart attacks. The problems is, it’s very common and is found in almost every prepackaged times like crackers, cookies, cake, packaged soup and fast food items. Your best bet is avoid any prepackaged items or fast food, if you want to make sure you’re not consuming any partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Potassium Bromate: Often used in bread and pastries, this additive helps to condition the flour so that the bread puffs up during the baking process. The problem is that potassium bromate has been linked with an increased risk of kidney and thyroid tumors. Check for it in your baked goods, such as rolls and bread. Sometimes it will be disguised as “enriched flour”, so be careful and read the ingredients carefully. If you have a Whole Foods in your area all of their bread are free of this additive.
Caramel Coloring: Many types of prepackaged foods use caramel coloring, including pastries, soy sauce, breads, soft drinks, and prepackaged stuffing mixes. The chemicals from caramel coloring made with ammonia have been linked with cancer. When in doubt avoid any food coloring since most will have some type of negative impact on your health.
Saccharin: An artificial sweetener, also called “Sweet ‘n Low,” has been found to cause tumors in rats. Additionally, researchers found that this artificial sweetener might be linked with weight gain. If you add sugar substitute in your coffee or other drinks, it’s best to avoid saccharin and use natural sugar substitutes like stevia instead.
Aspartame: Another artificial sweetener to avoid is aspartame, which is mostly found in diet soda. It has been linked with several serious health problems that includes seizures, memory loss, dizziness, headaches, and even cancer. Avoid diet sodas, and any other product that uses Nutra-Sweet and use natural sugar substitutes like stevia instead.
Olestra: This ingredient is commonly used in fat free foods, because the your digestive system is unable to break down the fat molecules. Olestra has been found to cause several digestive problems. And blocks the body’s ability to absorb nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene, which are both potent anti-oxidants that help protect you from damaging free radicals that cause premature aging.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) and Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA): These are preservatives that are derived from petroleum, and they have been linked with an increased risk of cancer. It has been said to be a human carcinogen, and can be found in Orbit chewing gum, and cold cereals such as Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Golden Grahams. It’s also used in many make up products as a preservative. A natural alternative is Vitamin E, which also help preserve items from going rancid. If possible look for items that use Vitamin E as a preservative instead of BHT and BHA.
Sulfites: This preservative is used to keep food fresh and to maintain the color of the food. It releases sulfur dioxide, in order to prevent the growth of bacteria. It’s been linked to cardiovascular health problems like asthma. Sulfites are commonly found in wine, beer ands dried fruits as well as cured meat products like salami and pepperoni. The good thing is, they make sulfite-free wines, beers and dried fruits and meats now, so make sure so choose these items if you want to avoid sulfites in your diet.
Carrageenan: This ingredient is extracted from seaweed, and is used as an emulsifier and a thickener. Researchers have linked this ingredient to ulcers, colon problems, and cancer. It’s commonly used in dairy or dairy substitute products like coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, ice cream, non-dairy ice cream, cottage cheese and more. However, most of these products can be bought without carrageenan in it as well, so make sure you look for it in the ingredient list if you want to avoid it.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This additive is used to enhance the flavor of food, and it is found in many types of prepackaged meals and seasonings. Consuming MSG has been associated with health problems such as weakness, chest pains, headaches, nausea, and brain damage. Look for it in stuffing mixes, seasoning mixes, salad dressings, ready made soups, and chili. MSG is also used in many restaurants (common in Chinese cuisine), but you can request your dish to be cooked without MSG in most most places.
It’s pretty easy to avoid food additives if your diet is composed mostly of whole foods, but we all eat prepackaged foods once in a while so it’s best to know the worst food additives that need to be avoided.