Researchers: These 14 Blood Molecules Predict How Likely You are to Die from ANY CAUSE in the Next 5 – 10 Years
Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
In a new study, doctors and researchers were surprised to discover that out of 226 metabolic biomarkers capable of predicting “all-cause mortality…”
…just 14 blood molecules can predict death from ANY CAUSE in over a 5 to 10-year period.
According to the study, you can measure any one of them and have a better predictor of mortality in the next 5- to 10-years than ANY current model.
The study measured blood molecules in 44,168 people ages 18-109, identifying 14 metabolic biomarkers independently associated with death from any cause.
Here are the 14 blood molecules that predicted death better than existing mortality models:
Total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL (high level better)
Total lipids in small HDL (high level better)
Mean diameter for VLDL particles (high level better)
Ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids (high percentage is good)
Glucose (high level is bad)
Lactate (high level is bad)
Histidine (high level better)
Isoleucine (high level is bad)
Leucine (high level better)
Valine (high level better)
Phenylalanine (high level is bad)
Acetoacetate (high level is bad)
Albumin (high level better)
Glycoprotein acetyls (high level is bad)
What’s most interesting to me is that these blood molecules predicted risk of death independently of each other.
That means that a high level of any ONE of these 14 molecules was a more accurate predictor of 5- to 10-year mortality than existing mortality models.
If you look closely, you’ll see that some of these make perfect sense…
Take glucose for example.
A high level of glucose in your blood is recognized as a negative. If you have high blood glucose levels, your risk of death in the next 5- to 10-years is greater.
Or the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids.
Polyunsaturated fats are often called the “good fats.” Omega-3s and Omega-6 fatty acids may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce risks of heart attack, and ease away total body inflammation.
A high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids is good. The higher the percentage, the better.
The answer here is simple…eat a balanced diet lower in carbs and sugars with a moderate amount of polyunsaturated fats.
But other markers listed here make things more complicated…
Take phenylalanine…
It’s an essential amino acid your body needs to create proteins and other important molecules in your body.
A high level in in blood was just recognized as one of these 14 mortality predictors. But…if you get less of it in your diet, your health will suffer.
The same with isoleucine.
It’s an essential amino acid your body uses to health remove toxins, promote immune function, secrete hormones and much more. Get less of it? Your body won’t function correctly.
So it’s complicated, which leads me to this question…
What should you do about these 14 molecules?
Nothing more than you’re doing now.
Get to or maintain a healthy weight. Keep your body fat low.
Keep eating a healthy, balanced diet that’s lower in carbs and sugars. Make sure you’re getting healthy fats.
Keep your body moving, exercise regularly, and stay strong.
Studies like this are interesting to see. But the complexities they uncover are for doctors to study and apply.
If you’d like to read the study, you can go here.