Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
3. Ab Exercises
Sit-ups and crunches DO NOT effectively reduce your belly fat.
If you want to get rid of those pesky age-related stomach weight, you have to get to the source of the problem.
Unfortunately, doing ab-targeted exercises like sit ups, crunches and side bends will do absolutely nothing to help you get rid of your ab flab, because it’s not getting at the heart of the problem.
In fact, doing excessive ab-targeted moves can injure to your low back by causing unnecessary stress on your spine. This may come as a surprise but the purpose of your ab muscles is to PREVENT excessive bending and twisting.
Bottom line… don’t waste your time doing typical ab exercises
The cause of fat accumulation in your stomach area is due to hormonal changes in your body that occur as you get older. That means you have to stimulate the right biochemical processes in your body to trigger the youth-enhancing hormones that enable you to burn off your stubborn belly fat. And that’s exactly what I’ll reveal next…
You’ll discover a scientifically proven way that re-activates your lagging hormones to effectively slow the aging process and burn off stubborn middle-age stomach fat.
But I need to warn you this method I’m about to show you is NOT for everyone!
For example:
If you enjoy spending hours working out, socializing with other gym rats… this is NOT for you.
If you THINK you can run, cycle or do other forms of cardio for hours to burn off belly fat… this is NOT for you.
If you’re not willing to workout hard for a VERY short period of time to get the best result possible… this is NOT for you.
Here’s the truth… the KEY to this scientifically-proven method is based on doing specific exercises performed at HIGH INTENSITY for a very short duration.
These essential factors combined together elicit a powerful physiological response that floods your body with anti-aging and fat-burning hormones - so you can burn off ALL of your middle-age stubborn belly fat and get a lean toned body…. in the quickest way possible.
Your results are intensity dependent… not time dependent. So you’ve got to be willing to give it your best effort . But if you are, you will reap the rewards of a leaner, fitter and more youthful body.
Most people are simply unaware that your body has the amazing potential to slow down aging and stop the middle-age spread on it’s own. Your body is already equipped with the essential hormones, enzymes, and neurons to make this work.
You just need to know HOW… and if you’re ready to get started, I’ll show you the specifics behind this super effective anti-aging and fat burning method on the next page.