Ready to Lose Weight or Get Fit?

Before You Start Another New Year’s Resolution: Learn Why the Last One Didn’t Work

Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

woman screaming on the scale while holding a hammer
woman screaming on the scale while holding a hammer
woman screaming on the scale while holding a hammer

Just over 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail...

Actually, it depends on who you ask. Researches from the University of Scranton claims that 92% of resolutions fail.

Why do they fail?

My guess is that: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result” is…


At least that’s what more than a few people say.

So, before you start another fitness program this New Year, it might be a good idea to figure out why the last one didn’t work because you may just be destined to repeat the same old mistakes you made in the past.

The Number One Resolution for 2017? “Losing Weight.”

weight scale

For the 3rd polling year in a row, “Losing Weight” is the top resolution ANY of the roughly 50% of Americans who set resolutions are likely to choose.

Others in the top ten?

  • Staying Fit

  • Getting “Healthy”

  • Quit Smoking

Making 4 out of the 10 top resolutions you’re likely to make health or fitness related.

Which makes you wonder: Could the reason so many people fail to follow-through with New Year’s Resolutions be because they are fitness related?

Want to lose weight this year? Want to get fit and stay that way? It’s time to try something different…

woman yelling at the scale

If you tried to establish a new healthy habit last year, or the year before, you need to take a minute to think back to why you didn’t reach your goal to begin with because starting back up with something that didn’t work last time, won’t work this time.

In my experience in over 25 years in the health industry, the primary reason people fail to achieve the fitness goals they set is because they attempt too much, too soon.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this before at some point.

On January 1st, you’ll wake up motivated. You’ll be ready to go, excited to go out and achieve your goals.

But that initial burst of motivation isn’t sustainable.

Too Much, Too Soon Didn’t Work. Why Try It Again?

exhausted man on ground

Here are some examples of trying “too much too soon” that rarely work in the long term:

  • Adopting an Aggressive “Starvation-Style” Diet – Any time you give up foods you love to eat for a new diet (and it doesn’t have to be a “starvation” diet either) you decrease your chances for success. There are ways to lose weight, get fit, and stay healthy and keep eating the foods you love (I’ll show you in a just a minute) …

  • Not Allowing Your Body to Adapt to Workouts – The very first day you decide to start a new workout schedule, you’ll be able to push your body. The next day? You’ll still feel alright. The third day? Delayed onset muscle soreness will set in and you’ll have trouble moving around for a week. In my experience, this is when most people begin to give up on their goals.

  • Trying New Exercises without Proper Instruction – Want to take a trip to the doctor? The fastest way is to start lifting or exercising without proper instruction. Whatever you do, make sure you know how to properly perform the exercises you adopt this year.

  • Failing to Plan for Your Ability Level – You can’t move forward without a plan designed for your goals and your ability level. At the very least, you need to start learning (as soon as possible) how to create workout progression that takes into account how your body will adapt to exercise.

Yes, there are plenty of other examples.

Instead of listing them, I’d like to share a surprising secret that eliminates nearly ALL of the common fitness barriers and mistakes you’re likely to make…

There’s a Faster, Easier to Follow (and Easier to Keep Following Way). Let me explain…

If you want to stick to your New Year’s Resolution fitness goals, I’d like to show you a faster (by fast I mean 20 minutes per day) way to get fit, shed stubborn fat, and keep it off - all while eating the food you love.

Click below and I’ll explain in a free video presentation.

Men >> Click Here and I’ll Show You How. →

Women >> Click Here and I’ll Show You How. →

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