Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
How to “Hack” a Genetic Transformation
Roll Back the Years (and Your Metabolism) By “Hacking Back” the Hormones of Your Youth
The total number of calories your body needs each and every day (and how many of those calories it stores as fat) is determined by genetics. The way you age, how quickly your body shows the signs of the years adding up—it’s all genetic.
It’s a “code” written into your genes and you can thank your parents for it.
Just think back to the way your parents aged and how their bodies changed—like a lot of things they gave you in life, it’s likely you were gifted a similar “aging path.” This is the reason doctors always ask about parents and family when building a medical history.
“But it’s impossible to change your genetic makeup,” is what a lot of people say when I mention genetic transformation.
To that I reply, “that’s only a half-truth.”
A study published in 2014 in the academic journal Epigenetics showed that you CAN actually control your genetic makeup.
If you’re not interested in the details and just want to learn how to do it, scroll down and click “Next Page.”
Interested in hearing the science behind genetic transformation?
Here it is:
It’s starts with something called “methylation” or bunches of atoms (methyl groups) that attach to the outside of your genes. They basically tell genes how to respond to biological and chemical signals from your body.
Here’s what researchers did: They gathered a group of men and women and ran exercise-based tests over the course of 3 months, monitoring changes within muscle cell DNA.
They found incredible transformations.
Over 5,000 sites within subjects’ genes showed methylation changes, the majority of these changes related to areas of the genome that involved…
Energy Metabolism
Insulin Response
And Inflammation
Just ask yourself (even without any medical training or biology background): What do these things have in common?
If you remember what I mentioned on the last page of this article—Energy Metabolism and Insulin Response are the 2 core components of the metabolic changes you face as you age.
Energy Metabolism – This is the process of generating the energy your body needs from the foods you eat.
Insulin Response – Insulin is the hormone that moves glucose from your blood into fat cells to “store” for later.
What does this research mean?
You can actually “hack” 2 of the most important components of age-related weight gain with the right kind of exercise!
Click Next below and I’ll show you what I mean.