Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
Tip 2: Doing “Core” Exercises To Tighten Up Your Mid-Section
Your ab muscles only make up one part of your “core”, so if you want to flatten your stomach, you need to do exercises that hit your entire mid-section and not just your abs.
That means strengthening your abs AND all of the muscles surrounding it. And if you do it right, you’ll produce a “shrink wrap-like” effect on your stomach and tighten your entire torso.
Here’s an example of one of my favorite core exercise you can do (I’ve got many more of these to show you later on, so stay with me).
The best plank exercise for ripped abs

To do this exercise, you’re going to start in a “plank” position (keep your body straight, don’t let your butt sag to low or stick up too high).
Next, raise your left arm out straight in front of you and raise your right leg straight out behind you. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Now switch sides. Repeat 5 times.
The reason this exercise is so effective is because you’re not only working your abs, but you’re strengthening your entire core!
And this brings me to my next ab-ripping tip, and this is a big one because we all suffer from this. In fact, it may be the #1 reason why people find it so difficult to to get abs after 40.