3 Steps to Abs After 40

Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

a drawing of stages of fat woman's body to being real fit
a drawing of stages of fat woman's body to being real fit
a drawing of stages of fat woman's body to being real fit

Step 1:

Focus On Fat First (And the Reason It’s There)

There’s a truth about abs that most people completely ignore:

You already have a 6-pack, it’s just covered up by fat.

You can’t keep working your abs and expect them to pop out from behind the layer of fat covering them up. Building a defined core just doesn’t work that way.

And you can’t “spot treat” fat.

Specific exercises may target muscles in specific areas of your body, but they do not target the adipose tissue (that’s fat) in specific areas of your body. That means one thing:

You need to treat the REASON you have excess fat first.

And that reason is your metabolism has stopped burning calories at the rate it once did because of somatopause (age-related growth hormone decline).

Burning less calories and storing more of the food you eat as fat are two of the most common symptoms of growth hormone loss.

Use step 2 to speed up your metabolism and remove the fat covering your core…

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