Reason #1: Cardio Increases Your “Biological Age”

Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

notes on growth hormone
notes on growth hormone
notes on growth hormone

There’s a difference between your “chronological age” and your “biological age.” Your chronological age is how old you are in years. Your biological age is how old your body functions.

You may not be able to control your chronological age, but you can control your biological age.

And long, boring cardio in the "fat burn zone" only makes your biological age OLDER.

Long cardio aggravates 4 key factors tied to the aging process that you’re likely already experiencing.

Cardio makes these 4 things WORSE:

  1. Hormone decline.

  2. Metabolic slow down.

  3. Muscle mass decrease and bone density decline.

  4. strong>Increased inflammation.

Every year after age 25 to 30, youth hormones – hormones responsible for keeping your body looking and functioning YOUNG – decline.

Your body stops releasing them in a process known as “somatopause.”

This decline is tied to metabolic slow down, an increase in fat retention, and decreases in muscle mass and bone density.

Too much cardio produces a stress hormone called cortisol. Maybe you’ve heard of it – it’s directly tied to increased fat retention. Too much cardio also reduces youth hormone levels. And too much cardio also leaves you prone to bone, muscle, and joint injuries.

At the same time, long “fat burning” cardio sessions break down muscles and increase the production of free radicals. Free radicals only make age-related inflammation worse.

But this isn’t even the WORST part!

As you get older, excessive cardio in the fat-burning zone may be an indicator for one of the most common and deadly health issues men and women over age 40 face.

See why on the next page, PLUS i’ll share exercises that burn fat just as fast as cardio while restoring youth hormones and fighting hormone decline.

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