Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
Science has recently discovered how to trigger your body’s own fat-burning hormones that target stomach fat.
By stimulating certain muscles in your body, you’re able to boost specific hormones that accelerate your fat burn.
This involves performing exercises that stimulate as many muscles that triggers “fat-burning hormones” at the same time, to create a “massive snowball effect” of cascading hormones to maximize your body’s ability to burn as much fat as possible.
They also discovered that these same exercise are an effective way to stimulate all 6 of your ab muscles to help tone and strengthen your abs to help you get even leaner and tighter abs.
And here’s the best part… it’s not time depend. That means you don’t need to exercise for a long time. In fact, researchers have found that 15 - 20 minutes is all it takes to elicit fat-burning hormones that target your belly fat.
So in just 15 - 20 minutes of effort per day, you can finally shed away stubborn belly fat and get ripped abs.
Click below to find out exactly how to perform these simple but extremely effective exercises….