








Sugar Land, TX

It's like P90X on speed…

6 or 7 weeks in I lost 18 pounds and dropped 2 or 3 sizes in my waist...

6 or 7 weeks in I lost 18 pounds and dropped 2 or 3 sizes in my waist...

A photo of Brad
A photo of Brad

I have been exercising at home regularly for a number of years, alternating between weights and cardio, five days per week. I tried to vary my routines but it was tough to be creative and it seemed I always fell back to the same old sets of exercises. I considered P90X but I could not imagine giving up an added 30+ minutes of sleep in the morning for that (I already get up at 5am to get in my 1⁄2 hour each morning).

I learned about MAX Workouts almost by accident, investigated the plan and decided to give it a try.  I am just about to finish week 9. I can assure you that I am working much harder than I did in the past simply because my muscles are always confused and I am not allowed to get into a rut of the same old moves.

I am certainly stronger and I can see better tone and definition in my shoulders and chest, but most remarkable is the cardio workout I get doing the weight routines. After only the first set I am breathing heavy and working up a big sweat.

I thought that maybe I would cut that last few pounds that have been rather elusive, but I have stayed even and might have added a pound or two. However I am sure that I have lost fat and put on muscle as my waist line is smaller.

I would highly recommend MAX Workouts (in fact I do all the time). You get a great workout in about 30 minutes total, you have variation, and you will think this is crazy but I think I can feel my metabolism being faster for hours afterwards – it is like having runners high.

Legal Disclaimer: Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.

Legal Disclaimer: Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.

Legal Disclaimer: Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.

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Ready to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible?

Discover how to super charge your workouts and accelerate your results -- getting you lean and ripped in a fraction of the time with shorter, more effective workouts.

Ready to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible?

Discover how to super charge your workouts and accelerate your results -- getting you lean and ripped in a fraction of the time with shorter, more effective workouts.